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Man stressed while reviewing financial documents at a desk.

When the QoE has a 40x ROI

How one buyer saved $25k only to lose $1 million a year later.

I regret not working with you on my last deal. Hoping to get this one right. I ended up in litigation because of lack of financial due diligence and screwed myself.


Fraud is Real

Listen to me stun the Mundane Millionaire podcast hosts with the amount of fraud I see.

It may be hard to believe, but it’s sadly true. SMB buyers just like you are running into real fraud and the rate of fraud seems to be going up.

The SMB market is flooded with buyers who are looking out for themselves and willing to tell a few lies to sell their company for a premium or get a failing business off their hands. Don’t be the sucker that falls for it!
Magnifying glass focusing on the word 'fraud' in a dictionary.
Stacks of dollar bills surrounded by bullets.

You’re playing Russian Roulette.

Are you willing to risk it all?

In the SMB market, you’re playing a game of Russian roulette.

Let’s look at 100 deals. Assume that 20-40% of those deals have some kind of fraud and could send you to the poor house. Let’s be conservative and go with 20%. That means 20 of those 100 deals are no good.
Do you like those odds? Find out how you might fare…

War Stories

My first-hand stories of near misses and almost failed deals.

Acquisition War Stories offer the best learning for new SMB buyers. You’ll hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. And learn exactly what you’re up against out there in the market, from shady sellers to unexpected market changes.
Business professional speaking in a meeting.
Businessman in a suit carefully reviewing a document.

Public Stories of Failed Due Diligence

Don’t take it from me. Here are 12 public stories of failed diligence.

At Guardian, we know that getting a QoE is the best decision for most SMB buyers. When arguing why a QoE is so important, we often share our first-hand experience of clients who almost got tangled up in a bad deal.
This time, we’re sharing 12 stories of failed due diligence that have been shared online over the past several years. If these stories aren’t enough to convince you of the risks of bad diligence, we don’t know what would!

Open Letter to Any Fool Considering Skipping Their QoE

My arguments laid out in a straight-forward letter.

This is not me selling a QoE. This is me saving you from a multi-million-dollar disaster.
Key Takeaways:
  • You have legit reasons to skip a QoE. The reasons to get one are even better.
  • Last year, 40% of the deals I worked on involved fraud that most buyers wouldn’t catch.
  • Skipping a QoE could mean overpaying for a business, buying a business that doesn’t grow, and/or losing your money (and maybe your home) altogether.
  • A QoE might be expensive, but it will pay for itself.
Close-up of hands flipping through pages of a document.
Hundreds of dollars blowing in the wind.

Bankruptcy or QoE: Your Choice

The Fall of the Iron Pony

Justin Willess bought a$10M construction business without all the facts. He didn’t do QoE and didn’t realize theformer owner was a Terror. He eventually lost the business and his entire investment. Full story here.
Without the right Quality of Earnings (QoE), you may be walking into your deal blind. Inspired bythe Iron Pony story, download 5 Ways the Right QoE Can Save You from Disaster.

The Complete Video Series on Why You Need QoE

If you’re more of a sit back and watch learner, this video series is for you.

I’ve published pages and pages of content to help self-funded searchers and new buyers make great deals, but sometimes you don’t have the time to sit down and read. Part-time searchers, I’m looking at you.
Here’s a video series with the greatest hits so you can press play and start learning.
Interactive video menu with a hand selecting a video thumbnail.

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